Past Life Regression and Life Between Lives therapeutic techniques allow clients to access a deep state of hypnosis in order to recover what are believed to be memories of past lives or incarnations, as well as the realm of spirit.

 These sessions have a very spiritual nature and tend to be done in order to gain clarity around one’s current life circumstances or to experience a deeper level of spiritual connection. 

Individuals are able to journey through time and multidimensional reality in order to access past memories and experiences which are hidden in their subconscious minds. Due to the high demands of mainstream society’s present-day lifestyle, these memories become concealed underneath all of the noise and experiences of our current life. Through connecting with past lifetimes, as well as lives between lives we are able to integrate the lessons and wisdom from those experiences into who we are today. 

Benefits of PLR/LBL Therapy

  • Gain perspective on negative patterns in your current life and find root causes from past incarnations, which allows you to transform unhealthy behaviors

  • Find the root cause of fears or phobias, which aids in releasing them in this lifetime

  • Examine painful relationships, soul contracts, promises, or unfinished business from past lifetimes in order to repair and heal in this one

  • Gain deeper understanding into current health issues and find causes from a past life, either an injury or death-wound and release painful memories in order to experience relief in this lifetime.

  • Understand dreams, familiarity, and/or fascination with a different time and place in history

  • Recover healthy patterns, perspectives, abilities, and remedies to use today

  • Understand your soul’s purpose for incarnating

  • Pinpoint the lessons that you are working on in this lifetime

  • Meet with spirit guides and soul group

  • Awaken creativity and/or undiscovered or latent talents.

  • Connecting with lessons from past incarnations and integrating them, allows us to become more present and aware in this one

  • Can aid in cultivating an embodied knowing of the eternal nature of one’s soul

What to Expect in a PLR/LBL Session

In a comfortable reclined or lying down position I will guide you into a deep state of hypnosis. In this state, you will find yourself feeling deeply mentally and physically relaxed, and will become immersed in a feeling of peace and tranquility. 

I will then guide you through a journey that begins with revisiting happy memories from your childhood, and the womb, where you are able to connect with why you may have chosen to incarnate at this time. You will then be guided to visit a past life that will greatly benefit you in whatever you are presently working on. It’s important to know that our subconscious communicates to us through metaphors and so it will choose specific situations or lifetimes that best align with whatever we are currently working on. Going into the experience being open to whatever you may be shown is a key ingredient for having a good experience. Do your best to let go of worrying about whether or not it is “real” and just allow yourself to become immersed in the experience. Whatever you see or experience is what your subconscious felt was best to show you, and each PLR/LBL journey is so unique!

No matter what you experience, you can trust that you will come out of the experience feeling rejuvenated, peaceful, and refreshed, and having a deeper level of understanding of who you are. The insights and lessons from these sessions also continue to unfold long into the future.

All PLR/LBL Sessions are currently conducted via Zoom