• Hypnosis is a very natural, deep state of relaxation that allows for heightened states of focus and awareness. The client is guided down into an alpha or theta brainwave state in order to access the wisdom of their subconscious mind. Alpha brainwaves are active when we are in a state of flow or creativity, and theta brainwaves are active as we awaken from or drift off into sleep.

    As the client, you are guided into this beautiful state of relaxation, and my responsibility as your therapist is to help you remain there throughout the session and to ask excellent questions to help you gain the most clarity and insight from your journey. Although you will be extremely relaxed throughout the session, and your eyes are closed, you will still be awake and aware of everything that I am saying. You will also still be very much in control of your mind and body.

  • Yes, we go in and out of states of trance throughout the day without even being aware of it. For instance, when you are relaxing in front of the television, you’re typically in a light state of trance. Or when you’re on a road trip and you feel like it’s only been ten minutes, but all of a sudden an hour has gone by. These are both examples of the human mind slipping into a trance state without our even noticing it. Hypnosis just allows us to go into these states intentionally to create lasting change and healing.

    Individuals who feel comfortable with meditation, daydreaming, deep prayer, ect., may find it easier to go into a hypnotic state. However, the main thing that is required for hypnosis to work is your voluntary participation. It is possible for a person to resist hypnosis, just as a person can resist sleep if they desire to do so. It is possible to overcome resistance though through the regular practice of self-hypnosis and/or meditation.

  • A common concern people have with hypnosis is that they will lose consciousness and will not be able to remember anything. This is actually fairly rare.

    A very small percentage of people who go into a very deep hypnotic state can experience some level of amnesia, however, most people vividly remember everything that occurred under hypnosis and they can still remember it vividly even years later.

    Recordings are always made of PLR/LBL Sessions, and can also be made for hypnotherapy sessions by request. I also take notes and will send you a recap of each session, along with any integrational tools and resources that I believe could help your journey.

  • When you are in a state of trance, you feel completely and totally relaxed. You are not asleep, unconscious, or anesthetized. Your mind is still active, you are alert, can hear every sound in the room, and your thoughts are under your control. You are able to ignore sounds from the outside world - they become background noise that just let you know that life is still happening. You are immersed in the journey unfolding within you, it can be quite fun and the insights people receive are often surprising.

  • The process of hypnosis begins with an interview where we assess, clarify, and begin reframing the issue that a person is working on. I will then walk you through a visualization exercise in preparation for hypnosis. After this, you are guided into a deeply relaxed state through a hypnotic induction which allows you to become immersed in the experience. We then bypass the critical factor of your mind, which is your conscious mind. Think of it as the dragon guarding the treasure that exists within your subconscious. We then work with the subconscious mind to release unwanted thoughts or behaviors, work through unhealed traumas, and to create a belief system that is supportive of the client’s goals. Once you emerge from hypnosis, we will briefly reflect on the experience.

  • There has never been a documented case of someone not being able to come out of hypnosis. You can choose to come out of hypnosis and you can also choose not to go into hypnosis. It is a natural state of focus and relaxation that you go in and out of all throughout the day.

  • If you are worried that you will not be able to be hypnotized or relax during your session, begin to practice affirming that you are safe to relax before your session. I can also give you an audio recording to listen to daily to help you relax and become accustomed to the feeling of letting go. We are trained by our busy world that we need to be on “alert” all of the time. Hypnosis allows for the opposite, which is to let go and allow the wisdom from within to arise easily and effortlessly. The more you practice this relaxing and letting go, knowing that even when you relax you are still in control, you will actually become more effective and creative in your daily life, and begin to trust yourself on a deeper level than you previously believed possible.

  • The hypnotic suggestions themselves will begin to plant the seed of possibility in your subconscious, and gently your doubt is melted away over time.

    For an individual who has the purpose of proving that hypnosis will not work, then put very simply, it won’t work. This is because as was previously stated, nobody can force you to be hypnotized against your will. As your therapist my aim is to facilitate and help you to access the deeper realms of your consciousness. If you desire not to go there, then nobody can make you.

    Hypnosis is an experience that is co-created between the therapist and the client, and it becomes easier to go deeper into the experience the more that we do it. For most people, even skeptics, the desire to see what is possible and to evolve will outweigh skepticism. With practice and repetition, we are able to train our minds to access this powerful state. Every time that we practice we are able to go into the experience with more ease, and the deeper you go, the more work we are able to accomplish.

  • It is recommended that when working on any specific goal to do between 4-6 sessions. This doesn’t mean that a person always needs only this amount, as each individual is different. Like any therapy, it cannot be said that you’ll be “done” in a certain number of sessions. Healing is experienced when the client is relieved of the symptoms or feelings which have been controlling their life. This could happen in as little as one session or it could take more.

    Hypnosis sessions last between 90-120 minutes, and most people begin to notice changes after the very first session. Hypnosis is very subtle because it is such deep work. Together we will monitor and evaluate your progress.

  • There are two main parts of your mind: the conscious and the subconscious. The conscious mind which houses short-term memory and is the part of our mind we often hear chattering away during the day only uses a small part of our potential. You can think of the conscious mind as one drop in the ocean. It allows you to think, analyze, process, and plan. In any type of traditional talk therapy, you are basically dealing with the conscious mind. This is where you analyze, figure out, and intellectualize issues. Talk therapy improves your awareness, which is the first step necessary for change.

    The primary part of the mind is the subconscious mind, and this is where all of our memories, beliefs, and automatic bodily functions are stored, it is also where we are able to communicate with our higher selves. Everything we’ve ever experienced, felt, smelled, heart, tasted, or dreamed of is recorded in our subconscious mind. Hypnosis provides direct access to this storehouse of information, thus allowing us to get to the root of the problem more quickly which inevitably results in changes in our life.


  • The process for regression therapy is based upon the premise that everything that we have ever experienced is recorded and retained in our minds. Our mind is aware not only of the origin of our physical and emotional issues, but it also knows what is necessary to correct these issues.

  • Past Life Regression is an amazing tool for understanding recurrent themes in our lives. When we pass on, our soul retains it’s memory of unresolved issues, unfulfilled promises, unexpressed emotions, limiting beliefs, specific attitudes, ailments, and attachments which may also be arising in this lifetime for you to work through.

    By recognizing how these patterns affected previous or parallel lifetimes, we can integrate the understanding into our present life which enables us to resolve destructive patterns, emotional and physical ailments, and much more.

  • You may, however, the intention and goal that come to your session with are what “program” the experience that your subconscious provides. Sometimes you will go to the life that you expect, and sometimes you will be shown something very different, but it is always in alignment with whatever your intention for the session was. So expect the unexpected in what you are shown.

  • It is possible, however, most remember very ordinary lives, or even lives as animals, or on other planets. The possibilities are endless. Whatever life you remember, you can be certain that your subconscious mind will choose the incarnation that is most aligned to whatever issue you are working through or whatever intention you have chosen for your session.

  • No, you do not need to believe in past lives in order for this to be an effective tool for you. Some feel the memories are just metaphors for the conscious mind to make sense of – others believe the recall is very real. It doesn’t really matter. The proof is in how you feel afterward.

    Whether they are “real” or not, the images you are shown are legitimate expressions of your subconscious mind, or inner being, and can greatly increase the quality of your life. The information that you receive can allow you to heal and integrate wisdom into your life which allows you to align with your most authentic self on a very deep level. One of my biggest pieces of advice for this experience is not to allow the question of whether or not it is real to take away from the experience. To get the most out of your session, let yourself relax and become immersed in the journey.

  • At some point in life each of us comes to the place where we begin to ask the big questions, Who am I?, Where did I come from?, Why am I here?

    Usually, this quest begins when we’re a bit older, or after we have had experiences indicating something bigger than what we can currently see in our everyday life is happening. For those seeking to understand the nature of their existence and their soul’s purpose, choices, challenges, and soul mate contracts made prior to incarnation, this information can be accurately recalled within the realm of spirit or between lives.

  • Dr. Michael Newton is one of the pioneers of this work. Dr. Newton is a psychotherapist that had been doing past life regression for his clients for many years when he accidentally stumbled onto a method that could access people’s Life Between Lives. What he found, again and again, is that clients consistently described a very specific place of peace and compassion, unconditional love, joy and humor. (They can be very funny on the other side.)

    The soul goes there after each life to rest and to study and plan the next incarnation. He did over 7,000 BLRs researching this place. He wrote a book about it. It is called “Journey of Souls” and it is a must-read if you are interested in knowing more about this type of work..

    Exploring the spirit world between lives is like opening the doors to the library of the soul’s “eternal” memories, and can greatly aid in creating more peace, understanding, and purpose in one’s life.

  • There are no guarantees as everyone’s healing process is individualized. However, most people do experience healing in one way or another, even after one session. This is because the subconscious shifts that are made can be felt pretty instantaneously, although sometimes they may feel subtle depending on what the client is working on. It is also possible that a client comes in for one issue, and ends up finding healing or resolution for another that they were unaware was affecting their current situation. Being open to the multitude of ways that hypnosis can benefit you will help you to make the most of the session.

  • Many people find what they were looking for within one session, others may wish to do multiple sessions, especially when working on deep-seated issues. The process is very individualized.

    We are opening up a window with this work and the window can stay open for a long time allowing insights and changes to happen long after their sessions. People who complete the work often find that they have healed deep issues which had plagued them for a long time.


  • Sound healing is a healing method and tool which has been used for thousands of years by various cultures around the world to restore balance to the body and mind. In general, a sound bath is a meditative experience where those in attendance are “bathed” in sound waves. Various instruments such as crystal bowls, gongs, drums, Tibetan bowls, or rattles may be used. Each practitioner has their own unique method. Sound healing may be particularly beneficial to someone who has had a difficult time connecting with traditional meditation or yoga, but still desires to experience similar benefits. This is especially true if you overthink or have excessive thoughts that make it difficult to meditate in a more traditional way.

  • The sounds create shifts in our brain called entrainment which is where brain waves synchronize with an external stimuli’s rhythm of frequency. Aligning our brainwaves to a certain frequency creates a positive physiological response in the body. Sound therapy activates our relaxation response or parasympathetic nervous system while also giving the brain something to focus on. This relaxed state of focused awareness creates a feeling of flow and expansion within the listener, allowing them to relax the mind and body, and access the subconscious mind. The listener drops into alpha or theta brainwave states. Alpha brainwaves are present when we are in states of flow or creativity. Theta brainwave states occur when we are deeply relaxed, daydreaming, awakening or falling asleep, during “highway hypnosis”, ect.

  • • Decreased stress and anxiety.

    • Increased ability to focus, lengthened attention span..

    • Can lower blood pressure, according to multiple studies.

    • Balances the chakras of energy centers of the body.

    • Helps regulate emotions.

    • Deep relaxation.

    • Heightened creativity.

    • And aiding in the recovery from physical ailments and disease.

  • A sound bath or sound healing session is deeply relaxing and allows you to focus your attention inward. As you drift into a deep state of relaxation a heightened awareness of your emotional, mental, and physical state occurs. This is typically relaxing but can also mean becoming aware of discomfort in the mind or body. You may experience a release of trapped emotions, feeling sad at one moment, joyful another, resistant the next. The practice is to just witness it all without judgment. Oftentimes dreamlike images may arise, as you connect with the subconscious and meditative mind. You may feel sleepy during, which is alright as well as sound baths are meant to be restorative.


If you have any further questions about hypnosis, regression therapy, or sound therapy, please reach out.