“Infinite riches are all around you if you will open your mental eyes and behold the treasure house of infinity within you.” -Joseph Murphy

Hello! I’m Jessica, I am a mother, a mystic, and someone who is utterly fascinated by the power of the subconscious mind and it’s ability to heal and transform our lives and the way we experience the world. 

I have been drawn towards mental health, spirituality, and music from a very young age. However there was a period in my life where I felt very disconnected from my path and purpose. As I got older, I recognized that this was because I had absorbed so much information from the world around me about who I was meant to be, that I had forgotten how to listen to the one voice that mattered most, my own. However, in 2016, my spiritual awakening began and my world as I knew it began to completely transform.

During this time, I was introduced to the mind blowing possibilities of hypnosis when a friend let me borrow her copy of The Convoluted Universe by Dolores Cannon. Prior to reading her books, I’d had many vivid dreams of otherworldly realms and was shocked to see that many of the transcripts from her books described these places that I thought only existed in my own mind, in perfect detail. I began to devour other books written by pioneers of the field including Brian Weiss and Michael Newton, and my fascination with the subconscious continued to grow.

As I continued to open my mind to new possibilities, I began to have prophetic dreams and visions which aided me greatly in my navigation of life. I also began to have vivid past life remembrances about my partner who I was with at the time. Recognizing that our love extended far beyond this physical realm awakened my heart, mind, and soul to the knowledge that we are eternal multidimensional souls. Then, in 2018, he passed away suddenly.

This shattering experience of grief and loss led me on an inward journey that brought me face to face with the wisdom of my subconscious mind and the love of my higher self.

I eventually went back to school to get my MA in Counseling Psychology, and was drawn toward studying the concepts of non-locality of consciousness, reincarnation, and the continuation of the soul following physical death. Much of the information on these topics comes from the field of hypnosis, and doing this research was the lightbulb moment that made me decide to facilitate this therapy for others. It is one of my greatest joys to help others release limiting beliefs, and connect with their authentic values, purpose, and soulful self so that they can live a life of their own design.

The imagination and wisdom that exist within the subconscious mind are truly beyond anything that we can comprehend on a conscious level. When we work with this part of ourselves, we are connecting with the core of who we are. This work is deep and can bring you face to face with aspects of yourself you may not have known existed. However, through witnessing, integrating, and healing these parts, we can become much more whole and grounded within ourselves, allowing us to transform our lives from the inside out.


curious, brave souls who are ready to do the deep work of healing dysfunctional patterns, limiting beliefs, childhood wounds, generational trauma, and more in order to experience harmony with who they truly are. I am skilled at facilitating traditional hypnosis sessions, as well as Past Life Regression and Life Between Lives therapy.


have been described by my clients as gentle interactive daydreams where you can connect with your own inner knowing, creativity, and peace in order to embody your authentic self and navigate through life with more ease and confidence.


is another passion of mine, as it can be a more yin way of accessing the meditative mind and receiving the gifts of the subconscious. I have studied music production, vocal performance, and sound healing over the years and am available for private group sound journeys as well as group PLR/LBL sessions.


If this work sounds like something you are ready to embark on, I would love to connect.